Mistakes in Experimental Design and Interpretation

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-07-06T16:44:02

Mistakes in Experimental Design and Interpretation is a nice exposition of the pitfalls you may see when you perform experiments. Remember: any time you measure performance of your code, you are doing an experiment on your system, so the aforementioned caveats apply.

Conan Doyle out-sherlocked by Sherlock

mr_bean on 2007-07-07T04:45:04

An interesting read. Apparently Arthur Conan Doyle believed Houdini was actually a spiritual medium, despite Houdini's explanation of his exploits. And they continued to remain friends.

As William Trochim said, Clinical judgement is no substitute for rigorous measurement--and vice versa.

Re:Conan Doyle out-sherlocked by Sherlock

Mark Leighton Fisher on 2007-07-13T16:20:46

"Clinical judgement is no substitute for rigorous measurement--and vice versa." I like that – clear thinking and clear measuring.